Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ok man, Maddening

Sucky Day, sucky year. the Year of e Economic downturn.... u cant help but sigh a whiff of helplessness, especially for ppl like us who are stepping out. N life sux, cuz its so difficult to do what u reali want to do, cuz it seemed like it's all destined... e physical state u built up n so difficult to rebuild it, e path u take, wat u did, wat u have, ur age that is instilling those conventional tots into ur brains, playing tricks with u: sometimes telling u dat e convention is wat ppl have been living with n one must go thru, in respect to e class of life u belong to... u dun wan it, u wan to be different. which means e mind is warped... sacrifices of years of study to do wat u want, thereof having to take dat big risk, putting ur social ego at stake, cuz u aint settled enuf to face ur frenz. y. most of e gal frenz are working, n we e guys, r so slow in stepping out to e society.

u found wat u want and love to do, but tings are stopping u. Mind not strong? Not having e virtue of patience? e tot of u r not young anymore? ur frenz r out der working? u treat one or two important tings like an investment, but can dis investmt be realised? U hav a dream? a dream like no other? dat is so hard to deal with.. to live along. that sense of insecurity... that metronome dat ticks ur veri bit of life into a constricted world of where u tink u 'actuali' belong... if i had just 10000 dollars to realise my desires, i guess i can run my life n not let life run my pace so much. It aint easy being mi.... "its not easy.. to be... me..." :Superman:

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