Friday, March 13, 2009


Jay chou is my idol. I idolise his piece of work here. the Movie "Secret". From a personal point of view, i feel that it is a masterpiece of art. Visual and muscial effects embedded into the storyline have been totally gratifying and amazing. im a musical and sound guy who have a great expectation of sounds that go into my ears. To me, sound is probably the most important factor of an emotional stimulant, fulfilled by the support of the visual aspect. To other ppl, it may be what dey see that induce more of the emotions and feel, but personally, it is the sound. most ppl can do with just the visual, but i need dat extra component intense enough to satisfy. In this show, the visual art, the musical and sound support, the storyplot, the characters, have been excellent.

Visual and Sound: the two critical elements of a show, have been displayed with extensive artistic form. Every distinctive scene is backed with apt and lovely music dat will seem to touch my soul. Im really a sound person and have a very exotic feel for beautiful sounds. but ppl has different taste, or i shud say lower taste, and dey would definitely not be able to feel what i am deriving from the movie, based on the audio backup. but i bet those who loves the show so much dat dey have watched it for at least 5 times, dey would probably have a liking for the music too. And the impt part is, u have to Realise dat the music is veri beautiful, dan u wud appreciate to feel the effects the music can bring on a subsequent view of the movie again. The music seems to touch mi so much dat evrytime i watch e show, i cant help welling tears in my eyes. in this show, i feel the happiness, the bliss in the love story, the melancholy, the humour and life injected in different scenes and strange enough, the preceded feel of sadness knowing dat xiao yu is going to die later on(though dey r 2gther eventually back in xiaoyu's era) prepares u psychologically and u appreciate every little detail and moments of their story right from the very start of the show.

The Music. the music used is generally classical music. loved the music of the strings ensemble espscially. I have a veri keen liking for strings and i find it exceptionally stirring , expressive and soulful, provided dat dey r the good ones. Jay chou has a fractional part in the production of the soundtracks but most of the great music is achieved by a Thai musician named Terdsak Janpan. He rocks man. He has a knack of producing complex music encompassing the mani different instruments found in classical music. However, e strings prevailed in moving my soul. i bet he would be an asset to jay chou in future. Jay chou is reali veri clear of wat he wants and his likings. Being close to his musical sense, i tink dats what makes mi close to the film.

The Visual. i could say dat Jay chou is veri meticulous, conscientious, and artistic person. He is veri careful at choosing his settings, props, angles of filming. He makes the whole film visually appealing, with e vintage feel of suburban greenlife. The portrayal of a beautiful love story in beautiful natural settings brings about the classic notion of a dream love setting. The serene, undisturbed and unurbanized feel makes one feel.. reali good. However, wat u can see in his film are Pieces of Art: photographic art and visual art. He is veri good at portraying a piece of beautiful picture in his mind and choosing settings to film at angles dat suits e feel of it. what i see from the film are beautiful, scenic and rich visual scenes. Little passing shots of trees and bushes are rich and detailed, structures like houses and rooms are exquisitely exposed to match an artistic portrayal. Meaning that in scenes like Xiaoyu and Xianglun chatting under tree shade, even the structure of the trees involved and the way they are angled and filmed minimally, creates an artistic perspective of the scene. Environment in the settings, props used, surroundings are all visually rich and intricately beautiful enough to portray a small scene. Which makes up to what i recognize as visual art. Nothing illustrated is plain and average in the cinematography. Motion angles are good, focal points used are good, lightings and exposure are just right; giving one a soothing feel when appreciating a piece of visual art. You gota know wat im toking about dan u can see how he does dat. Ultimately, the show is a beautiful display of an art and not forgetting, a beautiful display of a heartwarming love story supported by considerably good and natural acting. I suppose one main critical factor is that Jay has chosen a great place to film the show and dats y e artistic effect can be more readily felt. However, he has made an intricate use of the environment to bring across e artistic feel of the various scenes. One has to be meticulous and artistically imbued in order to create such scenes worthy of enjoying. and mayb a good production crew dat plays a part. But after all its still e concept in jay chou's little piece of head dat runs what he wants, what he gets, and what we get.

The show has an excellent story plot!!! Time Travel !!! I have always loved the concept of time travel. It always brings unexpected twists in a film if one knows how to do so. When i first watched e film, i find e story plot wonderful, but with flaws. But dat was caused by not understanding the plot well enough. i tot those scenes were purposely put in to create suspense and build up the effects of the twists. dan i deciphered and discussed. and i watched e film again. It all linked up! no more flaws anymore. i carefully listened to the details of the actors' dialogue and even dat sweeper's! He is the only one in the film who noes Xiaoyu is from the past, though u might tink dat he is kinda deranged. CGI is relatively good and mature and the script of the show is superb written. Beautiful love story. Heartwarming, but most of the time, its touching la.

It is by now the nicest love film i have ever seen. And that is why i bought the dvd to collect even though i have watched it twice previously. It is a definite great collection. If you have only watched dis film for one time, u will be surprised at the effect of a 2nd.. dis is a special film dat is worth watching a second time, to better appreciate the storyline and absorb the artistic effects. i have watched it thrice. To review dis, its a 3 thumbs up!!! if i could magically create an effect too.. Kudos to Jay Chou! Go watch it 2nd time. And Relish it.